This came up for discussion on an online forum I post on, and I've been pondering it ever since. At first I thought about it only in the context of the relationship I have with SO. But invariably that led to thoughts of how different this relationship is compared to my marriage and well, there you have it. I've been thinking about the want vs need dynamic in my marriage. So even though I was only going to go forward with this blog, I think for tonight I'll be looking at the past, because I want to learn from that so that my present and future are better.
Hindsight is so wonderful, in its 20/20 perfection.
When I met my ex, I was needy. At the time, I didn't think I was, but looking back, oh baby, was I ever. Some of it was the neediness and immaturity of youth, but a great deal more of it was the neediness that came from issues in my family of origin. I unwittingly was looking for a rescuer, and found that in my ex. He was needy as well. Again, some of it because of youth, but I think now a lot more of was because of issues in his family of origin. If you were to ask him though, I doubt he'd see it, even now looking back.
But there we were, me needing to be rescued from my dysfunctional family and ex needing the attention that he hadn't gotten from his parents growing up. That dynamic worked well for us for years, because I gave ex the attention he wanted, when he wanted it because he was my knight in shining armor who rescued me.
Somewhere along the way things changed. We got married and had children. I didn't have as much time to give ex the attention he needed, when he needed it. I also started to realize that I didn't need him to rescue me, I could learn to do that by myself. Now, I didn't just wake up one morning and know I didn't need him. It was a very gradual process, made in part because ex withdrew from me and our family as he became more discontent. I grew stronger because he wasn't there to be my rescuer. I stopped needing him.
That was really good for me, but I think it's what doomed my marriage. Ex equated need with want and assumed because I didn't need him, I didn't want him. And honestly, I didn't do such a good job of letting him know I wanted him as a husband. I thought I had plenty of time for that, when the kids were older. I was wrong.
So now I know that I don't need anyone to rescue me. I still have the tendency to want to have that knight in shining armor come to my rescue, so I really have to watch that. But even with that, I know that I do not need to have my SO in my life. I know that I can have a perfectly good life without him. However, I want to have SO in my life. And I will make sure he knows that, and how much I enjoy and appreciate that he is in my life. It's a lesson that was well learned.