Saturday, November 20, 2010

counting down to 2011

It's hard to believe that in a little less than a month and a half, 2010 will be over. It's been a most interesting year - a year of healing, and of finding peace, joy and love again. There's been some hurt and pain in the mix, carry-overs from previous years, but overall the highs far outweigh the lows. I'm in a good place, one I didn't think I'd get to quite so soon.

Still, I find myself looking forward to 2011. I think it's the lure of all the potential and possibilities of the new year that appeals to me.

Wherever I am, and whomever I'm with, I plan on celebrating New Year's Eve the same way I did in 2009, by releasing the negative emotions I have so that I have room in my heart, soul and life for all the positives that await me.

One of the most valuable lesson I learned in 2010 is that there are great things for me, outside of my comfort zone. So I've decided that, instead of doing resolutions, which I never stick to
anyway, I'm going to come up with 12 things, one for each month of 2011,
that will challenge me to get out of my comfort zone. I don't know what those will be yet, but I'm looking forward to figuring that out.

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