Sunday, January 23, 2011

"cheated but not a cheater"

It's funny, in the not funny sense of the word, the lengths people will go to in order to feel better about themselves.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen that phrase "I cheated but I'm not a cheater."  To all those people, um yeah, you are. Once you cheat, that makes you a cheater. No matter what you want to think, there's no erasing that.

There's moving forward. There's dealing with the aftermath. There's consequences. There's counseling and learning better coping mechanisms and skills. There might even be forgiveness. But there are no do-overs. The line has been crossed. Once you cheat, you're a cheater.

Does what they did have to follow the cheater for the rest of their lives? Maybe, maybe not. Guess that's up to the cheater. But it should, because how else can that person become someone who won't cheat again, unless they're conscious of the fact and accepting that they're a cheater in the first place?

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