Saturday, December 31, 2011

it's the last day of 2011

and I'm ready for this year to be over. It wasn't a bad year. In so very many ways it was a wonderful year. But, it was another year filled with changes, that followed several really hard years filled with many changes, and it's with a lot of relief that I can put the giant check mark next to 2011 and mark it as "Done."

Not that 2012 isn't going to be filled with changes as well. It will. It's all part of the forward motion of life. But I think 2012 will be less about "firsts" and "baby steps" and more about making strides on this journey of mine.

I was going to do a year in review type of post, and list a bunch of the stuff that I've dealt with in 2011. But now that I'm writing, I don't really see the point. The "firsts" are in the blog, as are many of the baby steps. The healing...yeah, it's there too. That might not have been on the most straightforward path, as I would have liked, but when I look back to the beginning of 2011 and see where I am now at the end of the year, I've walked farther down the healing path than I realized.

It's a good feeling, to be able to look back over the past year and see how much farther I've come, what I've accomplished.

Good bye 2011 - thanks, for everything you brought me, the lessons you taught me, and for all the wonderful, loving, caring people who were in my life during the year!

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