Friday, April 8, 2011


Met one of those women last night, you know, the ones that apparently seem to dismiss other women at first glance, unless they have a specific use for them.  Now, I only met this woman for a brief moment, and honestly I don’t even remember her name or exactly what she looks like, but her dismissive attitude towards me must have stuck with me because it came to mind this morning. It dawns on me now that it could be impersonally personal, as in she thinks she knows something about the situation between me, my boyfriend, and our exes. But she seemed to have plenty of respect for my boyfriend, so I doubt that’s the case. It was odd though, because when I introduced myself she said she knew what my name was.

And really, it’s not important. I’ve certainly been discounted and dismissed before, and I have no doubt it’ll happen again. It’s not like my feelings were hurt. But it is interesting, from a people-watching perspective. When my kids were young, and I saw other children behaving in public in ways I didn’t find acceptable, I would point that out to my kids as examples of what not to do. That’s how I’m looking at this now, as a behavior I saw in another person that is an example of a behavior I don’t want to emulate.

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