Saturday, April 30, 2011

what a day, and it's only noon...

here I am procrastinating again, after having a somewhat productive start to my day.

I tackled the attic today. Nope, didn't get anything done up there, but I actually made it into the attic, for the first time since Jan 2010. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Oh, don't get me wrong. It's bad, just not in the way I expected. There's a lot of junk up there that needs to be cleaned out, but stuff that's supposed to be up there still is. But at least the demon has been faced, and I know what I need to do. It's probably not going to happen any time soon. It's getting a bit warm already to be cleaning out the attic, plus it looks like I'll need to get a small dumpster or call 1-800- Got-Junk to haul all the crap away. I'm officially declaring this a project for the fall.

I also started tackling some much needed yard work, and ended up talking to my neighbor about the fence between our houses. He's offered to replace it, and told me they'd cover the cost and do the work. While I really appreciate it, there's a part of me that is freaking out over it. I'm still struggling with accepting help. It makes me anxious when I think I should be able to handle something, even when it's obvious I can't. It bothers me that I can't pay my share, even though he's not asking for it. I'm not even exactly sure what I'm feeling, but after I talked to my neighbor, I had to come in the house because I was ready to sob.

I think it may boil down to feeling a sense of inadequacy and incompetence. Definitely need to do some work on these issues.

On the plus side, I did get my basil plant re-potted, so it should be happier now. I got some stuff done in the yard, and even better, I got the name of my neighbor's yard guy.

Okay, maybe after some lunch I can get back to being productive.

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